CCW - Live Fire & Weapons Classes, Private and Group Online Courses, and Specializing In Edged Weapons (Filipino Martial Arts) and Firearms

March 2025 Events


March 2025 Events -


FMA Seminar: March 7, 2025 - 3pm to 8pm - $100 Per Person (See Flyer on our Seminar Link)

Rapid Fire #3: March 29, 2025 - 6:45 am to 8:30 am - $85 Per Person (need to put a deposit on GVR website to hold seat)

Ongoing classes: 2024

Eskrima Classes:

Sunday at 11 am to 12:30 pm - Cost: $150 PP Monthly or $50 PP

Sunday at 11 am to 12:30 pm - Coast: $150 PP Monthly or $50 PP Drop In

Monday at 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm - Cost: $150 PP Monthly (To Take Both Classes Per Month Cost Is: $225 PP)

Wednesday at 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm - Cost: $150 PP Monthly (To take all three classes Per Month, Cost Is: $250 PP)

Click dates on our Calendar for more info.

Kardio Street Boxing:

Sunday at 10 am to 11 am - Cost: $85 PP Monthly or $25 PP Drop In

Learn Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) or Gun/Self Defense from Master Instructor Ariel Flores Mosses

You will learn how to use your own body as your primary weapon. If you join our Sunday class, you will start with Eskrima (stick fighting) and progress right away to other weapons. Including swords, knives, and guns, and you will see that they are only extensions of your own body and will. You will learn to fight on your feet, on the ground, with and against weapons. If you decide to take privates or online classes, you can choose what you want to learn.

These days you need to prepare for the unexpected. That is exactly how we prepare you to defend yourself and loved ones.

We embrace ALL STUDENTS, whether you are young or old, experienced or novice.

We welcome all fitness levels! No one need feel intimidated by their age, gender, or fitness level. Eskrima is not the type of fighting system that requires a fighter to sacrifice his body over time. Eskrima is a fighting style you can practice to an advanced age.

Although Filipino Martial Arts and firearms is intimidating, our training is fun and taught in a very controlled and safe environment. We have a great group of individuals from beginners to advanced and every student is here to help everyone learn so all egos are left at the door. We invite you to join us to experience the most effective fighting systems the Filipino Martial arts has to offer!